Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hi, I’m Sean.
 I’m starting a video game blog as you can see. I know, it seems generic with all the reviewers there are today it seems like, why bother. I’m not doing this for money I’m doing it because I love to talk about video games. Especially the ones that hold something special to my heart. Here’s a little background about me and who I aspire to be.
Ever since I was little I’ve been playing videos games. Emphasis on the little part. I used to play on DOS and on a Commodor 64. I don’t remember much of the CM64 but DOS games were the shit, so to speak. The earliest memory I have of playing video games was on Atari. I used to play super Mario bros on Atari with my sisters. That’s funny to think of now as Mario is a Nintendo brand, and back then it was a Nintendo brand too. Although, Nintendo didn’t have one thing that they have plenty of now, Consoles! I guess things were like the wild west back then. Although I’m not old enough to remember Atari being released, I have my brother and sisters to thank for that knowledge. unfortunately I didn’t really get to spend much time playing with them as they are 10,12,16 years older than I am. So by the time I got around to playing Zelda they were gone. So I started playing single player games on my own, like Wolfenstein and Myst. Now I know those too games jump ahead in time a bit but I didn’t really know much about games back then, only that we had them and I wanted to play them. So I installed them in DOS or windows 3.1 and so on. Enough about games, lets talk about some hero!
"John Tron" and "The Angry Video Game Nerd", These guys are where it’s at. Hah no really, even with their antics and ridiculousness, They have well constructed reviews of the old school and even current video games. Theses guys have a dynamic range of reviewing capabilities that I one day hope to have. Well, thats a ways away. For now I just want to do what I love. Play some games.
Have fun =],
I’ll be reviewing soon.

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