Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Survivors Viy Walkthrough

I couldn't decide what I was going to review for my first game. Then I thought to myself, " Why Don't I review the game that made me want to do this for real". Thus, the walkthrough was born. I actually took the time to find everything you were supposed to find in the game with friends. I made a tutorial video before but none of our voices were recorded. So I had to re-record.

Survivors Viy is developed by Aski.They are comprised of a small development team. Their first game was also called Survivors. In the first, there was a werewolf chasing you with red eyes that would kind of just spawn at random and if you got too close to it you would die and hear this very loud scream. The objective of the game was to collect pages . The first game was very glitchy, most of the time if you were playing with more than one player the other characters would  appear to be stuck in one spot. Overall, the first was fun although it lacked direction. It was fun to play with friends. It started as a slender mirror and developed into a game about a witch who is haunting this village and raising disciples in the form of skeletons and beasts. They eventually released Survivors Viy 1.2 which is the current version of the game that I'm doing the walkthrough for.

Survivors Viy 1.2  starts out with you ( and 3 other people if you playing mutliplayer ) in front of a flipped over car in the darkness of the night with only your flashlight and a few essential items. Those essential items are as follows:
  1. Adrenalin pills- which allow you to run for longer periods of time. Useful for outrunning the Gorilla monster that drops from the sky.
  2. Compass- useful for directions, you can use it to set landmarks as points to meet up at if you get lost.
  3. Flares-some creatures are afraid of light (not flashlight light)useful for warding off nearby skeletons. Doesn't work if another player is a skeleton.
  4. Radio-Emits static if there are any paranormal creatures around. Reacts to every creature except the Satyr and the Witch.
After getting one of the 4 items at your disposal there is a path directly toward where the headlights are facing. Go that direction and you should find a map.

The map is the starting point for finding everything. Once you have found enough of the pages that tell you what you're looking for and where it is, you can refer to the map to discover where they are located. I spent many times replaying this game until I and a group of friends found the locations for everything. There was one thing that I couldn't discover and that was the Cross. So I tried looking for the cross in the spot that we didn't find anything yet. I clicked on all the possible places where I'd put something if i were the developer, and I found it. I'll show you where each item is on the map. Passing the map you'll get to a giant chalk circle. There should be a split in the path, a huge boulder, and electrical lines to the left side of the boulder. On the tree is the first and probably most important page aside from the pages telling you where each item is exactly. This page tells you what you are looking for. The page explains that you're looking for a Book of Spells, a Knife, and a personal item of the witch (Pendant). Then it tells you to find the chalk circles, as they will keep the monsters from attacking you once inside them, and to find a Bible, Holy Water, and a Cross for protection. After many hours of running around aimlessly finding pages, here is the location of ever item represented on the map.

Now that we know where everything is on the map we can start collecting the items in order to exorcise the Witch. I usually have a plan before I actually begin the game. I go from the fork in the road to the Holy Water, to the Bible to the Cross to the Knife then to the Pendant and the Book of Spells and back. but In the video I ended up messing up so for video purposes we'll go the video route.

So if you take the right path in the fork in the road you'll come across a playground. in the playground you'll find a mound of sand. In that mound of sand the Bible is hidden. I missed it several times when reading of  the pages  since I was looking for an actual sand box. But no, they decided it was too much to model a sandbox out so they just raised a dirt mound and called it a sand box. anyways, Just go up to the dirt mound and press E till it says Bible on the bottom of the screen.

Then from there turn around go to the circle at the beginning of the play ground and walk slightly  towards the left till you see what looks like a swamp. Follow the edge of the swamp until you see a green outlined object in the middle of the swamp. There should be an island with a grave stone marked with a Cross(not the cross you're supposed to collect), a circle, and the Holy Water outlined in green. Pick up the Holy Water with E and proceed toward the piece of land with the cross on it. There should be a page on a tree there. Collect it if you want and move on towards the group of cabins. WARNING , THERE ARE TONS OF SKELETONS THERE!

 At the cabins there should be three houses. Rest and regain some endurance if you don't have the Adrenalin Pills. Behind you should be a cabin, behind the circle and in front there should be 2 cabins. Run towards the middle of the two cabins and there should be a circle behind those cabins. From that circle if  you turn back towards those cabins you should see a large boulder and a another cabin. Run towards the right side of the cabin and then towards the left side and there should be a cabin and behind it is a well. In that well is the Cross.

From there turn back toward the cabin that you ran from and there should be a circle in the distance. Look around and see the path leading toward the hill. Toward the hill is the church. We are not going to the church yet so go the opposite direction toward the farm. Two circles later you will see the farm. Go forward some more and there will be another circle. Turn around 360 degrees again and there should be a haystack to your left side. In that haystack is the Knife.
Now turn back around, go back the way on the path and head up the hill towards the church. At the church there should be two circles, one to your left and one to the far right, go to the circle on the
right.Turn around toward the light house from that circle but angle yourself around 45 degrees to the right from looking directly at the lighthouse. Walk that direction into the forest , after a bit of walking into the forest you should come across a circle that is on an uneven hill. Walk towards the side with the ditch and in the ditch there will be a yellow car that has been crushed. inside the car is a Locket.
That is the personal item that you need for the exorcism. Now turn towards the front of the car, the side with the headlights, and walk towards that direction till you see the light house. Then walk directly toward the light house and you should come across what looks like a dried up lake or ocean. Now , there was a page that described a scenario in which the witch or her brotheris running from the Viy. While running they decide the safest place is the lighthouse because of the light produced there. They decide to leave the Book of Spells there as it is the safest place. From that page we learn that the book of spells is at the light house. But how do we get to the lighthouse?
You can't because the lake has dried up. So here's what you need to do. Look along the edge of the lake bed until you see a boat. in that boat is the Book of Spells that you need to exorcise the witch to get rid of the Viy.

Since we have all 6 items we can go to the church. To get to the church you need to turn around and go the opposite direction of the boat till you find a pathway. Once at the pathway, use the lighthouse as a directional point to lead you to the Church. Follow the pathway in the direction in which the light house is located. Once at the Church, if you didn't miss any items, the bottom of the screen will say: "You have Survived" and then it goes back to the main menu after some time has passed.

If you get lost at any point just follow the video that will be up on YouTube in a few hours. I'll post a video on here for those to watch.

Thank you for following this walkthrough. Tell your friends about me as there will be more reviews and walkthroughs in the near future.